Stone (left) with fellow Trike-a-Thoner
Every June, the Hanalei Canoe Club sponsors an 8 Mile Run/Walk culminating with an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Of course that’s way too far for my two boys—Stone (5) and Tiger (2)—so we attended the annual “Trike-a-Thon” instead, a fundraiser for Aloha School.

Tiger at the Starting Line!
We staged it on the basketball court and the kids rocked with rounds and rounds of bike riding. It was so competitive I felt like I was at an Olympic event: we were laughing, shouting, crying, even! (And I must say, I was a very proud Mom with Stone being the only one riding a tripod scooter.)
We celebrated afterward with lemonade and muffins—and then a few of the local Firemen came by and sprayed the munchkins down to cool ‘em off… it was too cute!

With the Hanalei Firemen